Child Welfare
Bohemian FC Youths / Bohemian FC Academy | Code of Conduct Guidelines & Child Protection Policy
1 | Aims and Objectives
The aim of Bohemian FC Youths/Academy is to provide a challenging, sustainable and progressive development pathway that will facilitate every Bohemian FC Youths player to reach their own potential. This will be achieved with co-operation of Managers/Coaches, Players and Parents in a safe and friendly environment.
2 | Code of Conduct for Managers/Coaches
Managers/Coaches will show respect for all players and officials and lead by example.
Be fully prepared for coaching sessions and matches.
Ensure a safe environment for learning and development.
Managers/Coaches to keep themselves up to date with new ideas on coaching and development.
Encourage each player in terms of self-discipline, good behaviour and punctuality.
Be self-critical and not afraid to seek assistance.
Give all players the correct playing time.
Play all players in the correct age group (unless otherwise agreed with the Committee).
Be familiar with the Bohemian Youths/ Academy Child Protection Guidelines through liaison with Bohemian FC Youths/ Academy Children’s Officer: Gemma Butler (; Girls Liaison: Bear North; Boys Liaison: Gael Gaudin.
Liaise with parents but do not share confidential information with them regarding players other than their own.
Ensure that all players are aware that all forms of bullying will not be tolerated.
Be generous with your praise when it is deserved.
Managers/Coaches must always display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
3 | Code of Conduct for Players
Always show respect for team-mates, managers/coaches, opponents and officials.
Always turn up on time for matches and training.
Always wear club kit supplied.
Always play to win but accept defeat like proper sportspersons.
Always have commitment to your club and pride in your performance.
Ensure that your lifestyle helps rather than hinders your progress.
Pay your subs each season without delay.
Pack your own gear bag and arrive for training and matches with the proper gear and boots – it’s your bag, carry it yourself and be responsible for it.
Listen to advice given and ask questions if you don’t understand.
Help out with equipment before and after matches and training.
Let the manager know – as soon as possible – if you are injured or sick.
Bullying will not be tolerated and if you feel you are being bullied, feel safe to tell the manager.
Enjoy playing and training with Bohemian FC Youths / Academy.
4 | Code of Conduct for Parents
Always show respect for all players, opponents, managers/coaches and officials.
Have realistic expectations for your player and don’t put them under undue pressure.
Ensure that your player arrives on time for training and matches and that safe arrangements are in place for getting them to and from venues.
Leave coaching to the coaches.
Respect the decisions of managers / coaches.
Assist when asked.
Accept disappointment, praise good work and refrain from criticising.
Support the club’s fund-raising activities where possible.
If your player requires hospital treatment a parent must attend.
Emphasise skill development and practice over winning, how beneficial they are for your own and other players.
De-emphasise games and competition in the lower age groups.
5 | Youth Protection Policy
Bohemian FC Youths / Academy believes that concern for the general well-being and welfare of all young persons under its care is of paramount importance in developing the young players of the future.
The club recognises the responsibilities and trust that is placed on it by all players and their families.
The Club will seek to respond to that responsibility by encouraging best practice in Child Welfare matters and encourage everyone involved in the club to recognise this.
The protection of the young person must be the first priority of all members.
All Managers/Coaches must know the Club’s policy and procedures, be encouraged to listen to concerns of players and take their complaints seriously.
All current and potential Managers/Coaches shall consent to be screened as to their suitability to work with young people as specified by the FAI Child Protection guidelines.
Bohemian FC Youths / Academy will emphasise to all members that they have a duty to report to the Designated Person any concerns they have over the possible abuse of children and young people. This duty also applies to concerns they might have about a colleague.
The Club will provide guidance to anyone who makes a report of suspected abuse and they will be fully supported when voicing these concerns.
6 | Definition of Child Abuse
Neglect: Neglect can be defined in terms of an omission, where the child suffers significant harm or impairment of development by being deprived of food, clothing, warmth, hygiene, intellectual stimulation, supervision and safety, attachment to and affection from adults, and/or medical care.
Physical Abuse: Physical abuse of a child is that which results in actual or potential harm from an interaction, or lack of interaction, which is reasonably within the control of a parent or person in a position of responsibility, power or trust. There may be single or repeated incidents.
Sexual Abuse: Actual or likely sexual exploitation of a child where a person involves a child in any activity that leads to their own or others sexual gratification. This might involve intercourse, touching, exposure of sexual organs, showing of pornographic material or talking in an erotic way.
Emotional Abuse: Failure to exhibit care and attention, particularly where a child is threatened, taunted or shouted at and as a consequence leads to loss of self-esteem and confidence. Similarly, undermining a child by ignoring effort or progress.
7 | Guidance to Promote Good Practice
The following guidelines are suggested to Managers/Coaches in an attempt to reduce situations, which could lead to the abuse of children as well as attempting to protect those who are working with children and young people.
Always try to work with children and young people in the open and public view.
With very young children, encourage parents to take responsibility for their children in the changing rooms.
It is possible that a Manager/Coach might have to help young children with changing attire. Such tasks should only be carried out after discussion and consent of the player and parents.
Ensure Managers/Coaches work in pairs when children have to be supervised in the changing rooms.
Develop a climate which discourages the criticising of those who are seen as having less ability.
Take steps to challenge bullying and always listen to complaints from team members who feel that they are being bullied.
Avoid being alone in a car with a child/young person, if unavoidable ensure they sit in the back.
It is advisable that Managers/Coaches identify who will be collecting a child/young person following a match or training session.
Managers/Coaches should take steps to know who will care for a child/young person if parents are not at home when the child is returned home following a match or training session.
8 | Anti-Bullying Policy
It is vital that everyone within the club understands that bullying (including online and cyber- bullying) will not be tolerated and that the following conditions must be met.
In being confronted with a possible case of bullying all Managers/Coaches must be prepared to:
Take the problem seriously
Investigate the incident
Talk to the bullies and victims separately
Decide on an appropriate action such as: Obtain an apology from the bully to victim; Encourage / support the bully to change their behaviour; Inform parents of the bully; Bring to the attention of the allocated Liaison Officer and Children’s Officer for further investigation
An investigation is undertaken by a three member Disciplinary Committee (a subset of the Youth Committee).
The Disciplinary Committee determine if / when sanctions are appropriate. Sanctions may range from a match ban, up to and including dismissal.
9 | Child Protection Advice for Players
As a player you are entitled to:
Be safe.
Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect.
Experience competition and the desire to win as a positive and healthy outcome of striving for best performance.
Be happy, have fun and enjoy soccer.
Comment and make suggestions in an appropriate and constructive manner.
Be listened to.
All of the above is superseded by the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport as directed by The Irish Sports Council and supported by the FAI.
See for further information.
Bohemian Football Club
Dalymount Park
Dublin 7